The chemistry facilities at Berea College include:
- High field 500 MHz JEOL ECZR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, with z-field gradient amplifier, a gradient probe, multinuclear capability, a 3.2mm MAS probe, and a variety of other accessories, for more information follow our posts at the Magnetic Fielders Coaches Bench,
- Low field Magritek Spinsight43 NMR,
- Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS for elemental analysis,
- N2 Homogenizer,
- Ultracentrifuge,
- Waters 1525/2487 HPLC with column heater and dual-wavelength detector,
- Waters e2695 HPLC with 2489 UV/Vis and 2432 Conductivity detectors,
- Millrock Technology Lyophilizer with multiple ports,
- Thermo Evolution 201 UV/Vis Spectrometer with 8 sample positions,
- Ocean Optics FLAME UV/Vis Spectrometer with Quantum Northwest TC125 temperature controller,
- Shimadzu RF5301pc Luminescence Spectrometer with chiller for –15 to 100˚C operation,
- Thermal-Nicolet Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (model 380, 2007) with single bounce diamond ATR (SMART-ATR),
- Finnigan LCQ Deca XP Max Electrospray Mass Spectrometer with Finnigan Surveyor Autosampler/HPLC interface,
- Phillips XPert powder X-ray diffractometer,
- Eppendorf Vacufuge plus with rotors for Eppendorf tubes as well as larger centrifuge tubes,
- HP 7820 GC with FID detector with autosampler,
- HP 7820 GC with a 5977B Mass Spectrometer Detector and autosampler,
- Parker/Balston hydrogen gas generator to replace He as flow gas in the GCs,
- Amersham Biosciences AKTA FPLC System with UPC-900, P-920 Pump & Frac-950 Fraction Collector housed in 4˚C refrigerator,
- Buck Accusys 211 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer,
- Thermo Smart2Pure distilled water system to supply both 5 (Type 2) and 18 (Type 1) M-ohm water,
- Thermo Pacific distilled water system to supply 5 megaohm (Type 2) water,
- CEM Microwave reactor with a LibertyLite peptide synthesizer,
- three Cole-Palmer Rotary Evaporators with –20˚C Thermo Polystat chiller baths,
- VAC systems high-performance glove box for work at low pressure or inert (N2) atmospheres with attached -30˚C refrigerator,
- two undergraduate research facilities (MAC 460 and 248),
- one smaller laboratory with 8 hood stations for advanced lab and lectures with seating for 16 (MAC470),
- one large laboratory with 10 hood stations for organic and analytical chemistry with seating for 32 (MAC457),
- one large laboratory with 20 snorkel stations for general and allied health chemistry with seating for 32+ (MAC257)