Newman Club

The Newman Club is sponsored by St. Clare Catholic Church (622 Chestnut Street, Berea). Our purpose is to provide a community of friendship, prayer, service, growth, and fun within the larger college community. We try to accomplish this by:

  • Bringing together interested persons on campus to help create this kind of community
  • Providing opportunities to come together for liturgy and prayer
  • Providing volunteer opportunities in service-oriented projects in the surrounding area
  • Providing opportunities for growth and knowledge in areas of the faith and current religious issues
  • Providing social activities occasionally — camping trips, socials, meals together, etc.
  • Working together with other religious groups on campus.

We invite you to join in Newman Club membership and activities. It is open to any interested persons on campus, of any creed. Meeting dates and times TBA.

Also, masses at St. Clare are Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

If any questions, feel free to email Caleb Gettelfinger.