Faculty Seminars in Service-Learning

CELTS offer Faculty Seminars in Service-Learning that provide faculty members an intensive opportunity to explore service-learning through readings and discussions. By the end of the seminar, each of the faculty participants develops a service-learning course and syllabus, which s/he teaches during the following academic year.

Feedback from the faculty participants indicates that they appreciate this opportunity to build community with other faculty members and to focus intentionally on developing their knowledge and understanding of service-learning. Several faculty have stated that they feel the seminar has improved not only their teaching of service-learning, but that their teaching in general has improved through their participation in the seminar.

The faculty who have completed the seminar thus far represent the following disciplines: Agriculture, Appalachian Studies, Business, Chemistry, Child and Family Studies, Computer Science, Economics, Education, English, Health and Physical Education, History, Nursing, Psychology, Religion, SENS, Sociology, Theatre and Women’s Studies.


Faculty Fellows in Service-Learning