President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll
Berea College has been selected for this honor for the fourth consecutive year. The College was selected for engaging its students, faculty and staff in meaningful service that achieves measurable results in the community. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has administered the honor roll since 2006. The CNCS honored Berea College as a leader for supporting:
- volunteer and service-learning activities and
- civic engagement.
View the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.
Learn and Serve America Community-Based Research Innovation Grant
From 2007-2009, CELTS received a Learn and Serve America innovation grant for “Energy and Empowerment in an Appalachian County.” This was an initiative to study energy needs and assets in Madison County.
The initiative was an integrated three-year, community-based research project. It brought together several community partner organizations and academic departments with their specific expertise. The collaborative and coalition-based approach helped to:
- produce data focused toward the goal of improving financial security of low-income families in Madison County
- benefit the environment by reducing demand for coal-based electricity
- empower community members to become actively involved. Specifically, in transforming the policies, infrastructure, assumptions and behaviors that drive energy use in Kentucky today.
Learn more about the work done through the Learn and Serve America Community-Based Research Innovation Grant.
Learn and Serve America Consortium Grant
From 2003 through 2006, CELTS and Berea College participated in a three-year Learn and Serve America Consortium Grant. The grant was entitled “Institutionalizing Service-Learning: Empowering Stakeholders.” Six colleges and universities across the country participated in the consortium. It was led by and funded through Tulane University’s Office of Service-Learning. The grant facilitated the development of several of our most dynamic service-learning programs, including:
- Faculty Seminars in Service-Learning
- Service-Learning Support Grants
Through annual site visits and meetings at Tulane, the grant provided assistance in strategic planning and assessment. It also provided valuable opportunities for networking and sharing ideas with the representatives of the other member institutions.
Recognition for Outstanding Service-Learning Program
US News and World Report recognized Berea College one of most outstanding programs in Service-Learning in the nation.
Berea College received Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement
Berea College was recognized with this honor in 2008. It is given to a select number of colleges and universities closely engaged with their communities through:
- curricular engagement,
- outreach and
- partnerships.
On behalf of the College, CELTS led the application process for this honor. Our students’ work in community service and engagement was key in receiving the award.
Learn and Serve America Grant Funds Community Partner Service-Learning Seminar
CELTS received a Learn and Serve America Grant through Kentucky Campus Compact. This provided funding for the first Berea College Community Partner Seminar in Service-Learning. The seminar took place in June 2009. Six community leaders representing a diverse range of community organizations participated.
Check out Student Service Awards page to see the achievements of our CELTS students!