Shelby Williams


Accreditation and Assessment Support Coordinator

Contact Information

Knapp Hall, 104C
CPO 2195
Phone: 859-985-3388
Mondays-Fridays 8-5:00 pm


  • M.S. Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Eastern Kentucky University (2016)
  • B.A. Psychology, Berea College (2014)


Shelby Williams is the Accreditation and Assessment Support Coordinator for the Teacher Education Program in the Education Studies Department. She manages program data that is used to guide continuous improvement efforts by examining the system, testing innovations, analyzing outcomes, and elevating practice. She started her Berea journey as a student in 2010; the knowledge and skills she gained through coursework and the labor program built a strong foundation for her current role. After graduating, Shelby was inspired to learn more about the application of psychological research and methods in higher education. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from Berea College and a M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. Before returning back home to Berea, she worked in Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness at a regional community college in central Kentucky.