Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    • How do I add money to my print card?

Students are allotted $5 of printing credit each semester. However, it is NOT automatically added to your account. To receive this, you must go to the front desk at Printing Services and sign the book before the last day of that semester. This applies to all students except first semester freshmen. First semester freshmen will already have $5 on their account. You can add money to your account any time at Printing Services (cash, personal check or credit/debit card only; it cannot be student-charged) or at the machines located in the café and library.

Print credit on your ID carries over semester to semester. It will remain on your ID until after you graduate. No refunds will be issued for unused print credit. Print credit cannot be transferred from one person to another.

    • Can I charge printing to my term bill or credit card?

Printing cannot be charged to your term bill. It must be paid with cash, credit/debit card or personal check.

    • How do I check my printing balance?

You can check your balance on Click the My Accounts tab.

    • How do I print one-sided?

In the printing options pop up, click Properties. Click the Finishing tab and select one-sided or two-sided printing.

    • How do I cancel a print job from my computer?

1. Go to start
2. Control Panel
3. Devices and Printers
4. Double click on the printer you sent the document to
5. Select the printing job you wish to cancel
5. Right click and select Cancel (it may not disappear immediately but be patient and it will)

    • How do I put the Equitrac program on my computer?

1. Go to start
2. Control Panel
3. Programs and Features
4. On the left hand side, click Install a Program from the Network
5. Click on Equitrac – Client
6. Click Install

    • How do I do departmental printing from my personal computer without charging it to my personal account?

To print documents for your department without charging your personal account, you must have Equitrac prompt you for login before the charge. To do this complete the following steps:
1. Go to Start
2. Control Panel
3. Programs and Features
4. Click on Equitrac Express Client
5. Go to the top and click Change. It will bring up an InstallShield Wizard
6. Click Next
7. Select Modify then Next
8. Click the red X next to Prompt for Login; select “This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive”; Click Next;
9. When asked if you wish to continue. Click Yes.
10. Click Next
11.Click Install
12.When downloading is complete click Finish.

    • How do I send a document to Printing Services if it’s too large to go through email?

Instead of emailing the file, you have several options:
1. Bring the file into our office on USB/thumb drive, SD card or CD-ROM media
2. Send the file to us with an online file-sending service (such as WeTransfer, which allows you to send files up to 2GB in size)
3. If you use an online storage tool like DropBox, you can send us a download link

As a courtesy, please call or email the person you intended the file to go so so they will know to be looking for it.

    • How long does it take to have copies made?

Most copy orders can be completed within 24 hours. If you have a complex or unusually large job, please contact Printing Services for an estimate of completion time. While-you-wait copies may be done as time allows, though preference is given to scheduled jobs.

    • What software does Printing Services support?

Printing Services accepts the following files. Please see Print Specifications for file preparation.
1. PDF (preferred pdf format is PDF 1.5/Acrobat 6 or higher. We do support up to and including Acrobat Pro DC).
2. Adobe InDesign (Creative Cloud 2020 and all earlier versions). A PDF generated from InDesign is generally preferred to native files, as this avoids the need to ‘package’ fonts and images. Note: If your InDesign is a newer version than ours, you can always down-save to .IDML format.
3. Adobe Illustrator (Creative Cloud 2020 and earlier). We prefer EPS files over “native” (.ai) files.
4. Adobe PageMaker (versions 6 through 7 ONLY)— Although PageMaker is no longer supported by Berea College IS&S or Adobe, we can continue to accept version 6, 6.5 or 7 files by importing them into InDesign.
5. Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud 2020 and earlier)— We prefer TIFF files (.tif) or native Photoshop documents (.psd) as they are non-destructive. If you’re sending a photo to be printed, we prefer the original full-sized image, rather than something that’s been reduced in size.
6. Corel Draw or Macromedia Freehand—We do not have this software, but if you export your document(s) to EPS format, we should be able to open them in Illustrator.
7. Microsoft Office files—we prefer .docx, .xlsx and .pptx instead of .doc, .xls and .ppt, as they are easier to import into our page layout software). If your MS Office document is more than just ‘text’ or ‘data’, a PDF might be preferred.
8. other word processing files—most word processors have the ability to save to Rich Text Format (.rtf). If you can give us an .rtf file, we can open it in MS Office. We can also open Plain Text (.txt) files, but you often lose some of the formatting. PDFs might also be an option if we are only printing the file and not needing to make text edits.
9. Microsoft PublisherPLEASE send us a PDF version of your Publisher documents instead of the native files. We are on a Macintosh platform and Publisher is not Mac-compatible. This shouldn’t be a problem for most users, because only the very oldest versions of Publisher are unable to export to PDF.
10. Canva, Affinity Publisher, Scribus or other ‘online’ layout programs—Please send us a PDF version of your layout. JPEG and PNG versions are typically not good enough quality for printing.
11. QuarkXPress (version 3.3 through 2018). If you have version 2019, you should be able to down-save to version 2018.

    • How should I prepare files for printing?

1. PDF
Do not subset fonts; All fonts must be totally embedded. Do not apply any compression. Be sure graphics are correct color mode (CMYK, grayscale, spot color, etc.) and resolution (300dpi or higher). Color management should be disabled. Printer marks are not required, but if used, they should be 0.25” from outside of trim (we would prefer that you not use them. If you want to show crops/bleeds, we would prefer a laser proof). Preferred PDF format is PDF 1.5/Acrobat 6 or higher.
2. Adobe InDesign (.indd or .idml)
Be sure to supply all fonts and graphics. You should be able to accomplish this with the “package for service provider” process in the FILE menu. Please make sure all colors used in the document are of the correct type: CMYK colors for 4-color printing (DO NOT use RGB colors!), Pantone colors for spot-color printing and Black ONLY for black and white printing. If you are printing in grayscale only, please do not use “colors” for shading in your document: use a percent “screen” of black instead. Bear in mind that any transparency effects applied in your document will be flattened. As a rule, try to avoid InDesign transparency effects: they are largely incompatible with our PrePress RIP and your document may print darker or look slightly different than expected.
3. Adobe Illustrator (.ai, .eps), CorelDraw and Freehand (.eps only)
Please convert all fonts to outlines/paths, particularly if your file was created on a Windows PC. This will ensure there are no font matching problems and that your fonts will look the way you expect them to. Please supply all linked, unembedded images (such as a photo placed into the document). Please make sure color mode is CMYK and if the file is meant to be printed in grayscale, please convert all colors to grayscale. Please make sure the color mode of imported images (if any) is also correct (CMYK, grayscale). If meant to be printed in color, please make sure all colors used in the document are of the correct type (CMYK for 4-color printing, spot colors for spot color printing). All transparent effects must be flattened. We prefer EPS files over “native” (.ai) files.
4. Adobe PageMaker (.pmd)
Be sure to supply all fonts and linked graphics. Please make sure all colors used in the document are of the correct type (process colors for 4-color printing, spot colors for spot color printing). If you are printing in grayscale only, please do not use “colors” for shading in your document: use a percent screen of black instead.
5. Adobe Photoshop (.psd, .tif, .jpg)
We prefer TIFF files (.tif) or native Photoshop documents (.psd). Images meant to print in full color should be set to CMYK mode and be sure the file is a minimum of 150 dpi/ppi (300 dpi preferred) at the final reproduction size. GIFs and JPEGs (particularly images acquired from the internet) are generally of insufficient image quality for print reproduction. You are 100% responsible for the quality, or lack thereof, of any printouts we make if the problem is related to the resolution of your images).
6. Canva (.pdf)
To download your design as a file, click the download button at the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will display the download menu, with a handful of options for how to publish your design. Click the PDF: for print button to get a print quality file (do NOT choose the PDF: standard button).
7. QuarkXPress (.qxp, .qxd)
Be sure to supply all fonts and graphics (this can easily be done with the “collect for output” procedure under the FILE menu). Please make sure all colors used in the document are of the correct type (process colors for 4-color printing, spot colors for spot color printing). If you are printing in grayscale only, please do not use “colors” for shading in your document: use a percent screen of black instead.

Please supply a laser proof of ANY layout you send to us (or a screenshot or PDF if you can’t make it into the office). This will help ensure that the file we open looks the way you expect it to and can help avoid costly mistakes later.