Estimating your financial eligibility to attend Berea College will help you understand if Berea is right for you. We’ve developed this simple online form to help your family estimate your likelihood of meeting Berea College’s financial eligibility requirements. In order to receive the most accurate results, please provide the most precise information possible and be sure to read the help messages in the right column.
Please note that this tool provides only a preliminary estimate of your likelihood to qualify.
We recommend you use the Net Price Calculator if your family has significant untaxed income or if your family itemizes deductions.
Also, if your family has encountered special circumstances (divorce, death of wage earner, etc.) your financial eligibility should be considered on an individual basis. If you have any questions or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us during business hours at 1-800-326-5948.
Final determination of financial aid and eligibility for Berea College can be made only via the submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and as requested, Berea’s Financial Resource Questionnaire (FRQ). This form is not applicable to International Students.
If you have any technical difficulties, please contact us at 1-800-326-5948.