Volunteer Opportunities

Please fill out the form below to indicate your interest in volunteer opportunities at Berea. Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Colletti-Jones will contact you about upcoming opportunities in your fields of interest. 
  • How would you like to volunteer with Berea?

    Browse the selections below and choose all that interest you.
  • As a member of AEC, you will serve a four-year term as a liaison between the alumni community and the Alumni Relations office. During your four-year term, you will attend two on-campus meetings per year in June and November as well as serve on a committee within the Alumni Executive Council.
  • Mentors will engage with current students or fellow alumni who may have the same major, hometown, career goals, or any other interests. As a student mentor we ask that you and your mentee create dialogue about your common interests that will last beyond their time at Berea College. The hope is that these conversations take place via the online community, email, in-person, or over the phone. On our platform, both students and fellow alumni can request you as a mentor and you can accept as your availability allows.
  • As a class reunion chair, you and your classmates will act as liaisons between your class and the Alumni Relations office. We will supply you with lists of your classmates and ask that you create a letter (mail or email that we will send), engage on social media, and call classmates inviting them back to campus for your reunion. Committees will be formed 9-12 months out from your reunion weekend. The Alumni Relations office will guide your committee through this process and will help market any events your class would like to host outside of events on the weekend schedule.
  • Do you have an interesting story to share or can give advice on your major? Departments and programs at Berea College are always looking for alumni to come back and share their experiences on their education helped shape them after graduation. We work to connect you with faculty from these programs and departments throughout the year as requests are made.
  • Each year, alumni, students, and staff work on the Homecoming Steering Committee to help plan events during Homecoming Weekend. This committee meets once a week on campus during the months of September-October leading up to Homecoming in November. If you are not local to Berea, we would love for you to join us via conference call. The Homecoming Steering Committee will then help volunteer at BereaFEST the Saturday of Homecoming from 11:30 am- 2:00 pm.
  • The Alumni Relations office often receives inquiries about students and student groups who travel outside of Berea College and are looking for alumni to connect with on their travels. We would love for you to open up your home, host a dinner at a restaurant, or welcome a Berea group to your area.
  • During Move-In Day, teams of volunteers, students and staff are assigned to each first-year residence hall where we will have a welcome station with refreshments and campus information. As an alumni volunteer, you may be asked to guide a student or family member to a location on campus, help with directing traffic, give words of advice or comfort to a student (or parents), or any other way we can make our new Bereans and their families feel welcome. Each volunteer receives a Move-In Day T-shirt. Move-In Day is always the 3rd Saturday in August and will run 7:30 am – 1:00 pm.
  • Do you know someone who has done great things at Berea College and after graduation? We invite you to nominate a fellow classmate you feel would be deserving of one of our five alumni awards. Awards are given out at Summer Reunion and Homecoming Weekends. Learn more about these awards at: legacy.berea.edu/alumni/alumniawards/
  • The Alumni Relations office is always looking for alumni to host a regional gathering. The office will lend support to each alumni gathering host with names of those living in the area, marketing of the event, and if possible, a staff member will travel to the gathering to provide campus updates.