Chemistry Department Learning Goals

In addition to satisfying the Aims of General Education, the Chemistry Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated student learning outcomes:

Build Chemistry Knowledge & Laboratory Skills

  • Learning Outcome 1.1: Students will demonstrate knowledge in all major fields of chemistry including organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, biochemistry, and polymer chemistry.
  • Learning Outcome 1.2: Students will demonstrate laboratory skills and show understanding in all major laboratory techniques and principles including instrumentation, synthesis, purification, analysis, and green chemistry.

Build Problem-Solving Methods & Skills

  • Learning Outcome 2.1: Students will develop and refine quantitative problem solving skills used in the field of chemistry, enabling them to tackle novel problems with confidence.
  • Learning Outcome 2.2: Students will employ mathematical methods to model experimental data and solve chemistry problems.

Build Research Skills

  • Learning Outcome 3.1: Students will show capacity to use appropriate literature research and parse journal articles for useful information.
  • Learning Outcome 3.2: Students will be able to maintain an organized and well-documented laboratory notebook.
  • Learning Outcome 3.3: Students will show proficiency at scientific communication including posters, presentations, laboratory reports, and even journal articles.
  • Learning Outcome 3.4: Students will learn to take ownership of projects, developing in-depth research questions and formulating activities needed to successfully answer them.

Build Professional Skills and Ethics

  • Learning Outcome 4.1: Students will demonstrate creative and independent thinking in both learning and work environments.
  • Learning Outcome 4.2: Students will learn the value of a professional work ethic including working as part of a diverse team.
  • Learning Outcome 4.3: Students will develop the ability to recognize ethical issues related to the impact of technological advances on society.