Diversity Links

art on a wall

Below you can find a variety of tools that may address certain concerns you may have about studying abroad. It is a collection of materials from different students, universities, and study abroad programs.


Religion and Spiritual Life Abroad

The University of Chicago offers some advice on how to navigate religious and spiritual experiences while abroad.

Identity and Diversity

Northwestern covers additional information and resources that can help navigating religious diversity. They provide sources to sites that cover Agnosticism and Humanism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.

Religious and Non-Religious Students Abroad

George Washington University suggests a few tips on how to act appropriately and how to make the most out of your learning experience.


Americans Abroad

An organization that is dedicated to the inclusion to ensuring that those with disabilities can have access to international opportunities.

Students with Disabilities Studying Abroad

Information provided throughout the A World Awaits You (AWAY) publication has been compiled by the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange.

The National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and administered by Mobility International USA.

How Students with Disabilities Can Study Abroad

Lisa Saltagi from the University of New Hampshire writes about her study abroad experience in Italy. She interviewed students with disabilities about how others can study abroad.


ES LGBTQ+ & Ally Resources

IES offers several study abroad options as a provider which includes a variety of materials in regards to diversity. You can find travel information, alumni stories, and scholarships all related to LGBT experiences. There is an additional section specifically for gender identity and allyship.

Go Overseas – 9 Major Life Lessons I Learned 

An LBGTQ+ student who studied in France offers some advice to consider that may be useful around the world.

University of Minnesota – Things to Consider

Mental Health

IES Student Blog for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities

A handful of stories from the perspectives of students who studied abroad, with a focus on mental health and learning disabilities.

Planning Ahead

Mental health is becoming a priority. Study abroad programs, advisors, and international educators are starting to emphasize the importance of mental health issues while abroad. The following source goes into detail about the importance of this rising concern.

Mobility International on Mental Health

Did you know that 16.8% of U.S. college students with mental health disabilities have studied abroad by their senior year – close to the same percentage (17.1%) as non-disabled?*

*According to the National Survey on Student Engagement (2014) See more: http://www.miusa.org/resource/tipsheet/mentalhealthsuccess


Questions to Ask

Gender: Travel and Safety Tips and Suggestions

4 Common Problems

What to consider and how to prepare yourself.

Race and Ethnicity

In study abroad programs, racial and minority students may wonder what to expect in another country when it comes to their racial and ethnic background. This can be a concern for all students depending on where they plan to go. How race is perceived in the US will likely be different than in other countries. Here a few resources that may address any concerns.

Questions and Student Perspectives

Things to Consider



Allergic Living

Morgan Smith gives her advice on how to prepare for your time abroad when dealing with food allergies.

Anything missing? If there’s something else that you’d like to see added, please let us know!