Returning Home

  • Requirements
    • Follow on project
    • Evaluation form
    • Thank you letter
  • Culture Shock
    • SIT Re-Entry Kit
  • Conferences
  • Marketing
  • BC Opportunities

We’re glad to have you back! Hopefully, you have arrived safely and are ready to settle in again. It can be challenging, however, to re-adjust. You may be surprised by unexpected difficulties such as re-entry shock. Here you can find resources to aid you through this transitional period.

While the memories are fresh in your head, we ask that you complete the mandatory post-abroad forms. You will be asked to complete a survey and a series of evaluation forms. These are to be done as soon as possible and will likely help you reflect and make sense of your experience and help you reacclimate.

When you’re ready, you can also use this page as a reminder of how to take advantage of your experience and use it for future job and study opportunities. Needless to say, welcome back, world traveler!


Evaluation Forms

At the end of your time abroad, we ask that you fulfill the evaluation forms that are required as part of your post-abroad commitment.

When you log in, you will be brought to the “My Applications” page. You will see the programs you have started applications for, including the program you have completed. For the program you have completed, you will see under the “online forms” section that you have 3 evaluation forms to complete. These consist of a follow-on project, program evaluation, and thank you letter. Please complete the tasks for all three.

If you don’t have access to the evaluation forms, confirm that you have finished all of the previous application requirements as they may be the reason for this.

Culture Shock!

SIT Re-Entry Toolkit

SIT study abroad provides a comprehensive guide to prepare students for their transition back home and it is a resource that our office highly recommends students check out!

When you return to campus, we will provide more information on how to adjust!


Returnee conferences:

Lessons From Abroad


While all the lessons you learned during your time abroad are fresh in your mind, now is a good time to start reflecting on your new skills! Did you become more proficient in another language? Did this experience develop perseverance and your ability to function outside your comfort zone? Start writing down some ideas!

Could you create an online portfolio or blog which highlight these qualities?

Resume tip: Market applicable coursework through Education section.

Start thinking about any qualities you now possess—self-motivation, cultural sensitivity, adaptability, responsibility, maturity, etc.

Opportunities at Berea College!

Passionate about study abroad and want to stay involved?

  1. Give a presentation
  2. Creative project (photo album, short film, song for a choir, etc.)
  3. Volunteer for the Education Abroad Fair – hang out at our booth and chat with students about education abroad
  4. Apply to be a peer advisor
  5. Be a virtual student mentor – email students and help them plan a study abroad experience
  6. Orientation event – come speak to students during an orientation event prior to their departure