COVID-19 Update: November 7, 2022

Dear Bereans,

This is the update for Monday, November 7, 2022.  Don’t forget to vote tomorrow if you haven’t already done so!

Quarantine update

The on-campus mini-surge has resumed.  As of this morning we had 11 students in quarantine, three at home and eight on campus, up from five last week.  Worth celebrating, we had a time last Monday when all of our students cleared quarantine and we had no new cases, the first ZERO for the semester, I think.  Some of the current cases will clear today, and there have also been some new reports.

Among on-campus employees, and we now have four staff members quarantining with a positive tests, up from just one last week.  Those individuals work in Alumni, Hafer-Gibson, the Library and Seabury Athletic Center.

I have not heard that any of the cases represent serious health concerns at this point.

COVID-19 Community Level

The County and the Commonwealth continue to do reasonably well.  As of last Friday Madison County’s COVID community level remained for another week in the “Green” designation. All our neighboring counties are “Green,” too.  There are only three counties in “Red” in the Commonwealth as of today.

Kentucky update

The situation in the Commonwealth is remaining pretty stable.  5712 new cases were reported last week in comparison to 5242 cases the preceding week.  The test positivity rate was 8.3%, a little down from last week, and the number of deaths in the state last week, thankfully declined to 41 from  61 last week.  That’s a meaningful drop, reflecting a minimum of new cases we were experiencing several weeks ago.

Don’t delay in getting the updated booster,
Lyle Roelofs, President
Berea College