Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) works with prospective Berea College students with disabilities to determine what challenges they may face and what accommodations may be available to them if they are admitted to Berea.
The resources below will help prospective college students think about their transition from high school to college.
Access to Postsecondary Education Handbook
This handbook was prepared by the Kentucky Department of Education for students, school counselors, teachers, and parents about planning for education after high school.
Preparing for Postsecondary Education
Common Q&A provided by the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for students with disabilities explaining students’ rights and responsibilities.
This website was created by the US Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and Virginia Commonwealth University. It contains information about college life for students with disabilities. It provides video clips, activities, and resources that help students with disabilities plan for college. The videos show firsthand how students with disabilities can be successful in college.