Getting Started

Angled view of a three story brown brick building with two trees.

Disability and Accessibility Services is located on the first floor of Lincoln Hall.

Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) invites students to meet with Holly Hatfield, DAS Senior Specialist, to discuss:

  • Any disability-related barriers they have experienced in the past
  • Any related barriers they are currently facing
  • Or any related barriers they anticipate in the future at Berea College

Everyone is unique. DAS wants to engage in a dialogue with students about their experiences and expectations. This will help us identify the information necessary to support accommodations.

Documentation may help guide these conversations but we encourage you to reach out to DAS even if you don’t have paperwork yet. This often provides insight into how a student’s disability impacts their higher education experience. DAS reserves the right to request more documentation to support specific accommodations. Please read the Documentation Guidelines for more information.

DAS reserves the right to request more documentation to support specific accommodations. Still, we encourage students not to delay meeting with DAS out of concern for not having appropriate paperwork.

Requesting Accommodations

  • Accommodations can be reviewed via AIM, our data management system.
  • Students can notify faculty of their academic accommodations through AIM as well. Please know that academic accommodations will not lower academic standards or compromise the integrity of educational programs.

Although accommodations can be requested at any time, DAS encourages students to do it early on, as accommodations are not retroactive.

  • DAS, in collaboration with appropriate departments, will also assist with accommodations for Labor, Student Life (student housing), Dining Services (meal plan), Public Safety (e.g. parking, car on campus) and others as needed.
  • Students should communicate with DAS in regards to any questions or concerns they have about their academic or non-academic accommodations as soon as possible.

The staff at Disability & Accessibility Services is looking forward to working with you in creating an equitable campus experience for you!

Accommodation Appeal / Allegations of Disability Discrimination

DAS dedicates itself to providing equal access to programs, services and activities at Berea College. Students concerned they have been denied equal access or accommodations requested for a documented disability may take action. Students have the right to file an internal appeal or pursue remedies beyond the College. Students are encouraged to speak to Holly Hatfield or to follow the DAS Grievance procedures. Please see the Grievance Policy for further information.

Berea College commits itself to:

  • Ensuring students are not subjected to harassment due to a documented disability
  • Ensuring students are not subjected to a hostile environment relating to a documented disability.

It is important to identify and address discriminatory and harassing conduct early. Students should contact the Berea College Title VII/IX Coordinator if they believe they have been or may be experiencing:

  • Mistreatment
  • Discrimination or
  • Harassment on the basis of a disability.