Article VII: Exclusivity and Internal Regulation and Article VIII: Election Procedures and Qualifications for Office

Article VII: Exclusivity and Internal Regulation

Section A
All positions within student government shall be mutually exclusive.

Section B
In addition to the bylaws for this constitution, the Senate, Board of Residents, and Student Judiciary may establish standing rules of order.

Article VIII:  Election Procedures and Qualifications for Office

Section A
Elections for President and Executive Vice-President, as well as elections of Class Presidents, Class Vice- Presidents, and Class Senators (from the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes) will be held during spring term.  Those elected will take office at the beginning of Fall Term.

Section B
Elections for Freshman Class President, Freshman Class Vice-President, Freshman Class Senator, the four at-large Senators, and Representatives to the Board of Residents will be held during fall term.  Those elected will take office immediately.

Section C
Candidates for the offices of President and Executive Vice-President must be of at least Junior standing by the start of the new academic year. The only other qualification required to run for any office is that a student be a member of the SGA.  No term limit may be placed on any office.