Preamble, Article I and Article II


We, the students of Berea College, unite to represent student opinion and voice among faculty, administration, staff, and each other by combining our talents and diversities. Understanding the importance of promoting student welfare, representing student concerns and opinions, protecting the best interests of students, and fostering communication among the aforementioned groups, we resolve to work toward the benefit of the Student Body. In all these means, we strive to remember the traditional ideals of the Great Commitments of Berea College as they apply to the Student Body, thus establishing the Berea College Student Government Association.

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section A
The name of this organization shall be the Berea College Student Government Association (SGA).

Section B
The purpose of this organization is to facilitate student participation in campus governance by bringing about increased individual and group understanding of the responsibilities of democratic life and by promoting positive ideas and actions in the interest of the students.

Article II: Affiliation and Membership

The SGA recognizes the following entities as integral components of Student Government:

  1. Student Body – All currently enrolled students of Berea College who pay the Student Activity Fee shall be members of the SGA.
  2. Residence Halls and Units – This refers to housing that is established and administered by Berea College. These Halls and Units are the primary reflection of residential life. Residence Halls and Units are governed by their House Councils composed of an elected President, Vice-President, and any other position deemed necessary.
  3. Clubs/Organizations – Student Clubs/Organizations of Berea College shall be considered integral components in that they serve as the primary reflection of student involvement. Clubs/Organizations are governed by the guidelines of their respective constitutions.
  4. Classes – The four classes (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior) are governed by a Class President, with the assistance of the Vice President and members of the Class.