McCorvey Urges Berea Graduates to Pursue Impossible Dream

Dr. Everett McCorvey at Berea College

Dr. Everett McCorvey at Berea College

Dr. Everett McCorvey, director and executive producer of the Opera Theatre at UK, challenged the 2016 graduating class of Berea College to pursue their “impossible dreams” at the 144th Commencement on Sunday, May 8th. Continue reading McCorvey Urges Berea Graduates to Pursue Impossible Dream

Jinkins and McCorvey to Speak at Baccalaureate and Commencement at Berea College

Reverend Michael Jinkins and Dr. Everett McCorvey will address the 260 graduates along with their faculty and invited guests at Berea College’s 2016 Baccalaureate & Commencement ceremonies, Sunday, May 8, 2016. Baccalaureate, at which Rev. Jinkins will speak, begins at 10:30 a.m. in Phelps Stokes Chapel. No tickets required. Dr. McCorvey will speak at Commencement, which begins at 2:00 p.m., in the Seabury Center, Main Arena. Tickets must be obtained in advance and are required for main arena as well as overflow seating for Commencement. Continue reading Jinkins and McCorvey to Speak at Baccalaureate and Commencement at Berea College