Mapping Foreign Policy

Lauren McKee Foreign Policy Course at Berea

What is foreign policy? How do you teach it? Dr. Lauren McKee, visiting professor at Berea College, answered those questions this summer by teaching a 4-week class titled U.S. East Asian Foreign Policy. The course built up to a crisis event and the students in the class represented different countries in East Asia. Using a 36 foot x 24 foot map on the floor, the students had to react to the crisis that had been introduced. They better visualized the crisis by walking across the giant map and became engaged by identifying places that were discussed in class. Dr. McKee said the map also gave students’ knowledge as to “where the mobilization of naval forces is possible and to calculate how close to another state is too close—that is, where is the 200 nautical mile territorial boundary of your own border.” In addition to the crisis simulation, the class played geographical games that tested the students’ knowledge of Asia. Continue reading Mapping Foreign Policy