Congressman John Lewis Inspires Graduates at Berea College Commencement

Congressman John R. Lewis addresses the graduates, Commencement 2017

U.S. Congressman and noted Civil Rights leader John Lewis urged the 265 members of Berea’s 2017 graduating class to “find a way to get in the way” of social injustices.

Lewis, who represents Georgia’s 5th District, encouraged the graduates to honor Berea College’s heritage of equality for all people. “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you must stand up, speak up, and speak out,” Lewis stated. “You have a duty and a moral obligation given to you by the visionary founders of this college, who saw the need to build an inclusive interracial, coeducational community in 1855, before the end of slavery and the beginning of the Civil War.  We are still struggling against those same enemies of justice today.” Continue reading Congressman John Lewis Inspires Graduates at Berea College Commencement

Congressman Lewis and Bishop Wallace-Padgett to Speak at Commencement and Baccalaureate at Berea College

Congressman John Lewis and Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett will address the graduating class along with their faculty and invited guests at Berea College’s 2017 Commencement and Baccalaureate ceremonies, Sunday, May 7, 2017. Congressman Lewis will speak at Commencement, which begins at 2:00 p.m., in the Seabury Center, Main Arena. Tickets must be obtained in advance and are required for main arena as well as overflow seating for Commencement. Bishop Wallace-Padgett will speak at the Baccalaureate ceremony, which begins at 10:30 a.m. in Phelps Stokes Chapel. No tickets are required to attend this service. To watch the ceremonies via livestream, visit this page: Continue reading Congressman Lewis and Bishop Wallace-Padgett to Speak at Commencement and Baccalaureate at Berea College