Title IX Coordinator…………….859-985-3606
Public Safety…………………………859-985-3333
Human Resources……………….859-985-3070
Student Life………………………..859-985-3290
Berea Police Department……859-986-8456
On-Campus Confidential
Berea College’s professional counselors at Counseling Services and professional college chaplains at Campus Christian Center can offer you confidential support. After hours or on the weekend, the counselor and chaplain on call can be reached by contacting Public Safety, in case of emergency.
Counseling Services
Call 985-3212 to make an appointment
Located in Fairchild, 2nd floor
College Chaplains
Call 985-3134 to make an appointment
Located in the Campus Christian Center, Draper, 1st floor
Off-Campus Confidential
Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center
Local Crisis Line: 859-253-2511
The Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center has a 24/7 crisis hotline. Additionally, they offer confidential counseling services, and may be able to come to campus to provide counseling for individuals.
GreenHouse 17
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-544-2022
GreenHouse 17 has a 24/7 Crisis hotline. They also provide emergency shelter, counseling, and legal advice.
Hope’s Wings
Domestic Violence Center in Richmond, KY
Nation’s Largest Anti-Sexual Violence Organization
24/7 Hotline 1-800-656- HOPE (4673)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program provides CONFIDENTIAL clinical services to assist employees in identifying and resolving personal problems no matter how unique and diverse they may appear. Berea College’s EAP is managed by The Human Development Company.
The EAP is available 24/7 and provides professional and confidential assistance for virtually any personal problems: marital and family difficulties, emotional stress, addictive disorders, problems at work, elder care and financial or legal concerns.
AppalRed Legal Aid
A non-profit organization providing free legal services throughout eastern and south central Kentucky.