Resetting Your Account Password

What is Password Management?

Password Management is a set of tools that allow you to change your account password, unlock a locked account, or reset a password.

Resetting a password or unlocking an account.

    1. Go to
    2. Click on Reset/Unlock
      Screen shot of Reset/unlock button of password management
    3. Enter your username and Click Continuescreen shot of password management page
    4. Answer the Security Questions and click Continue
      screen shot of security questions in password managment
    5. A randomly generated password will be assigned to the account.  It is recommended that you change this password to something easier to remember. (See instructions above for changing a password.)  IMPORTANT – randomly generated passwords may contain characters that are not compatible with BANNER or other systems on campus.  It is best to change these passwords, removing these characters in order to prevent problems with these systems.  Disallowed Characters are:  @ $ & ( )# ; / , < > ` (space)