The Appalachian Symposium 2017

The Appalachian Symposium 2017

This Year’s Writers

Tentative Schedule

(Subject to Change)

Wed, Sept 13-

(All Wednesday events held in Baird Lounge, Alumni Building, Berea College)

1-1.45-A Poetry Reading by Rebecca Gayle Howell

1.45-2.15-A concert in tribute to the work of Rebecca Gayle Howell by Brett Ratliff

2.15-2.30-Coffee and tea

2.30-3.15-Reading by Lyrae Van-Clief Stefanon

3.15-3.45-A concert in tribute to the work of Lyrae Van-Clief Stefanon by Lisa Parker and Sam Gleaves

3.45-4 Break

4-5-A Public Conversation with Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon and Rebecca Gayle Howell


Thurs, Sept 14-

(All Thursday events held in Baird Lounge, Alumni Building, Berea College)

10.15-11.45-Master Class in Poetry with Lyrae Van-Clief Stefanon. A master class session on adynaton and writing the impossible.

1.15-2.45-Master Class with Rebecca Gayle Howell. A multi-genre micro-revision workshop with an intensive look at our sentences.