Berea College recognizes that students with a temporary disabling medical condition or injury (e.g. broken bone or concussion, short-term medical condition or recovery from surgery) may experience barriers due to their temporary impairment. This may cause difficulties in academics, labor positions, housing, or other aspects of students’ lives. DAS can provide limited services for students with a temporary impairment.
Documentation Requirements
The types of assistance are determined on a case-by-case basis and are guided by professional medical documentation provided by the student. Assistance cannot be provided for tasks of a personal nature, such as typing homework or assisting with home health care. The Temporary Impairment Form or another verification of the injury and limitations/restrictions can be used for this purpose.
As with all accommodations, accommodations for temporary conditions are not retroactive. You should schedule an appointment with a DAS staff member by phone (859-985-3237) or in person (110 Lincoln Hall) to discuss your individual situation as soon as possible. Please note that DAS will need some documentation prior to putting accommodations in place.
What to do?
- Communication with your professors, your labor supervisor, and your residence hall staff ( is very important. Inform them of your condition and what effect you think it may have on the class requirements, your labor duties, as well as access to your residence hall and its amenities.
- Call on your community of friends and classmates to help out with class notes, meals, transportation, errands, etc.
- Inform the Student Life area coordinator and their campus partners as well as other relevant professional staff at Berea College of your condition, especially if you need assistance to access important services, such as Dining Services or would like to create an emergency evacuation plan.
Mobility Equipment Loan
Getting around campus may be difficult for students with temporary conditions that cause mobility impairments. Although DAS does not provide transportation around campus, DAS has a very limited number of battery-powered scooters and knee walkers available for short-term loan on a first-come, first-served basis, if documentation supports this request (see above).
Parking Access
Public Safety may give students special permission for parking in campus lots that allow them to park closer (supported by a doctor’s note) to classes, Labor, or Residence by issuing a temporary parking pass. DAS will provide Public Safety with appropriate details to support this, but the decision is at their discretion.
If you are in need of accessible parking, please note that Berea College is not authorized to issue parking accessibility placards. In the State of Kentucky, accessible parking permits are issued through the local County Clerk. The Berea branch office is located at 212 Chestnut Street, Telephone: 859-986-1460.