A Celebration of Women in STEM Brunch

A Celebration of Women in STEM Brunch will be hosted by the Yahng Discovery Center (YDC) in the Margaret A. Cargill NS&H Building (MAC) on Saturday, March 30, 2019, at 10 AM, commemorating Women’s History Month. The event is a networking opportunity for Berea College students to dialogue with local scientists, mathematicians, and STEM professionals in their discipline of interest.

We are inviting our students, staff, faculty, and community to attend this event as well as a number of local and regional women scientists, mathematicians, and STEM professionals to showcase the breadth and depth of possibilities for women scientists, engineers, etc. in the area.

I would like to invite you to attend the brunch in support and/or be a representative of local, successful women in STEM.


Berea Undergraduate Research Symposium (BURS), Fall 2018

The program for Fall 2018 will be held on Friday, October 19th and Saturday, October 20th. The 2018 BURS will begin with an opening plenary talk by Jacqulyn Noronha-Hostler on “The Quest for Nature’s First and Most Perfect Liquid” in the Yahng Center (MAC 455). After a short break, we will have student oral presentations starting at 2:00 PM (MAC 356, 357, 551, 506) and a plenary talk entitled “Breathing the Earth” at 4:00 PM by Elizabeth Cottrell of the Smithsonian Institution . BURS will continue with student poster presentations and other departmental activities the following morning (Saturday) and the official opening ceremony for the new Cargill Science Building at 2:00 PM and followed by a convocation delivered by Dr. Mae Jemison, first African American woman to travel to space on the Shuttle Endeavor at 3:00 PM.

Geologist Elizabeth Cottrell in her office at the department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. PC: Eris Qian

Continue reading Berea Undergraduate Research Symposium (BURS), Fall 2018

Dr. Mae Jemison Convocation

Dr. Mae Jemison Portrait

Dr. Mae Jemison

Pursuing the Extraordinary

October 20 (SATURDAY) | 3:00 p.m.
Seabury Center

Dr. Jemison, M.D., the first woman of color in space, now focuses on facilitating human interstellar travel. She will share her experience as a space voyager and her plans for her new Endeavour, the 100-Year Starship, a global initiative to make human travel to another star possible within the next 100 years. Providing a platform for radical leaps, innovation, technology and human systems, Dr. Jemison believes pursuing an extraordinary tomorrow builds a better world today.