YDC Teaching Associate Application

At the Yahng Discovery Center (YDC), one of our purposes is to support STEM-H outreach to the local community and K-12 schools within the counties of Southeastern Kentucky.  To this end, we have created the YDC Teaching Associate position for students who are in Berea’s Teacher Preparation Program and are interested in getting teaching experiences here at the YDC.  Associates will have the opportunity to teach our STEM-H curriculum in the Center and engage local students and teachers. We believe this would be a great opportunity for students who are just beginning their fieldwork and aspire to be an educator. As a teaching associate, you could have either a 0-5 hour position with us or volunteer during your free time.


  • Current junior or senior
  • Intent to pursue teaching certification
  • Interest in learning how to teach STEM-H topics in a hands-on environment


  1. Fill out an application on our website (https://legacy.berea.edu/discoverycenter/)
  2. Indicate periods during the day when you are able to work.
  3. Schedule training with YDC staff
  4. Co-teach with YDC staff until you’re ready to work alone

Training Process:

  1. Watch associated planetarium shows
  2. Read curriculum documents and teacher materials
  3. Complete activities as a participant
  4. Co-teach with YDC staff

Apply today!