Graduating Senior Information

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Below you will find some important information concerning your Berea College-issued laptop and network accounts that you need to be aware of prior to graduation.

Your Laptop

Upon graduation at Berea College, your college-issued laptop will become yours. At that time, Berea College is no longer responsible for the maintenance and repair of the laptop. Prior to graduation, you should bring the machine in for any repairs you may need. Below is additional information regarding this process:

  • Submit Repair Requests
    Any service for hardware/software issues for your laptop should be submitted 4-6 weeks prior to graduation since many services may require replacement parts to be ordered or longer diagnostic testing. This will ensure adequate time for us to get the repair completed prior to graduation. In the event that a repair will extend beyond the end of the semester, the user is responsible to make arrangements to pick up the computer upon completion of the repair.
  • Battery Replacement Deadline
    The deadline to have your battery tested for replacement, per your EDGE agreement, will be 4 weeks prior to graduation. Batteries are stocked on a limited basis and are first come first served. Additional batteries are ordered as needed. In the event that the replacement battery does not arrive prior to graduation, it is your responsibility to arrange to pick up the battery from IS&S. We will not ship any batteries.Please note, battery replacements are for battery issues that fall under our guidelines.  Each battery will be put through the proper diagnostic test to determine if a replacement is needed. Notable issues that determine if your battery needs to be replaced are:

    1. Less than 1/2 hour run time
    2. Physically damaged units with exposed cells
    3. Windows battery warning

Your Berea College Accounts

Your Email Account

After graduation, your existing Berea College email address will be converted into an Alumni email account in approximately 30-60 days. You will receive an email when this process begins. Instead of using your traditional email account “” you will then need to use “” to access your mail. Your unique username and password should remain the same. Additionally, all your existing mail should transfer into the new alumni account. When it’s time, to access your alumni email, log in to using the new email address.

Your BereaBox and Microsoft OneDrive Accounts

When your Berea College email account is migrated to an alumni account, this will also remove your access to BereaBox and Microsoft OneDrive. Any documents or data stored on these cloud services will become inaccessible. Prior to this date, it is your responsibility to back up and secure any documents or data that you wish to keep.