Math Lab: Support for Students



TAs and Students in the Math Lab

Located in MAC 206, the Mathematics Lab is open for support with all levels of mathematics. Berea’s Math Lab Assistants should be able to help with most mathematical questions that arise from study in the mathematics courses at Berea College. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of the help available in the Lab, as well as in their instructor’s office hours. Best results are obtained trying to solve problems before asking for help, so in either place, students should be prepared to show what they have already tried. Topics in many courses in the mathematical sciences build throughout the course, so students should be sure to do their best to keep up with the class, so as to not get behind and possibly forever lost. Remember, no question to which one does not know the answer is ever “dumb” unless it goes unanswered because it remained unasked.

During the regular term, the Math Lab hours are Sunday through Thursday 7:00 to 9:15 P.M., except on evenings of Berea College convocations, at which time the lab closes at 7:50 P.M. Summer hours vary.

Please contact Dr. Shelly Bouchat, ext. 3577, with complaints or suggestions for Math Lab.