Student Engagement Program Traditions Student Life is responsible for some of Berea College’s most iconic traditions, including Mountain Day and Hallowpalooza, two blow-out events that help create the unique Berea experience. Sustainability “Sustainability” refers to the capacity of individuals, communities, and societies to coexist in a manner well-being today and for future generations. SGA & BOR We, the students of Berea College unite to represent student opinion and voice among faculty, administration, staff, and each other by combining our talents and diversities. BEngage The hub for all registered student organizations and activities/events on campus. Learn how to be Engaged on campus!! Cab The Campus Activities Board is a volunteer student organization that plans and coordinates many student activities on campus. RecSports RecSports offers structured, physical, and informal activities and events for the campus body. Events on Campus Registered Student Organization HandbookDance Guidelines