The Office of Sustainability is offering the Green Residence Hall certification. There are several sections to this survey: water, energy, waste, green events, purchasing, and cleaning. This certification is mainly focused on educating residents about sustainable practices they can use around the residence hall and facilitating their ability to do so. Hall staff can convey information on sustainable practices in any way possible, this could be from an email, a hall (or floor) meeting, or any other way you see fit. It is beneficial to go through this survey in a group with other students and staff members, forming a “green team,” suggested members could be House Council members, Student Life Team Members, or interested residents.
The first step in the certification process is to go through a sample Green Residence Hall certification survey. When doing so, make note of the sustainable practices you do not already do and work to improve them. After implementing as many sustainable practices as possible, you are ready to take the final certification survey to become certified. When going through this process, feel free to contact the Green Office certification coordinator to work towards the final goal of becoming certified.
Residence halls who make sufficient structural and behavioral changes will receive a certification plaque commemorating their ongoing commitment to sustainability. There are three levels of certification with each level up marking a significant increase in a residence hall’s sustainability:
Certified (50-69%)
Certified Excellent (70-84%)
Certified Exemplary (85-100%)
Green Residence Hall Certification Requests
Use this form to register your interest in having your Berea College office complete the Green Office Certification.