Dr. Diane White-Clayton to Discuss: Jesus, the Ultimate Rebel with a Cause

Dr. Diane White-Clayton headshot

Dr. Diane White-Clayton

Dr. Diane White-Clayton will speak about “Jesus, the Ultimate Rebel with a Cause,” on Thursday, Sep. 27 at 3 p.m. at the Berea College Accent of Christian Faith Lecture in Phelps Stokes Chapel.

This lecture, sponsored by the Willis D. Weatherford Jr. Campus Christian Center, will discuss the common depiction of Jesus as frail and tender-hearted, as well as the uncommon depiction of Jesus as a rebellious, defiant trouble-maker who never allowed rules to dictate his path. Berea College, whose rebellious beginnings directly defied societal norms of the time, challenges new rebels who, through faith and determination, will change the world. Continue reading Dr. Diane White-Clayton to Discuss: Jesus, the Ultimate Rebel with a Cause

Dr. Marcus J. Borg Convocation: “Telling the Story of Jesus Today”

On September 22 at 3 p.m. in Phelps Stokes Chapel, Dr. Marcus Borg, an Internationally renowned biblical and Jesus scholar and author of 19 books, will present “Telling the Story of Jesus Today” during a convocation. This event is presented as part of the activities of the Accent on Christian Faith Week, sponsored by the Willis D. Weatherford Jr. Campus Christian Center.
Borg’s views on Christianity and Jesus are informed by mystical experiences, the “holy mystery” as well as scholarship that led him on a spiritual journey from being a devout Christian to an agnostic to a scholar with a more mystical Christian faith. Continue reading Dr. Marcus J. Borg Convocation: “Telling the Story of Jesus Today”