Berea Women: In Synch With Success

Women in Science

Berea’s female students completely SWEPT the undergraduate category of the poster session at the recent Tri-State Women in Computing Conference held in Cincinnati. They took all three top places! Raunak Shona Thakur received Honorable Mention (Third place) in the Undergraduate Category for “Using Web Technologies to Improve Application Process.” In Second Place in the Undergraduate Category, Phyo Phyo Kyaw Zin was awarded a $300 scholarship for “Developing Dashboard Management System (DMS).” The First Place Award in the Undergraduate Category went to Amber Tolleson and Ashley Aiken for “The Detection of Gas in Fracking Contaminated Water,” for which they received a $1,000 scholarship to be split between them. Continue reading Berea Women: In Synch With Success

Gloria Steinem and bell hooks Speak at the bell hooks Institute

Gloria Steinem and bell hooks

Gloria Steinem and bell hooks

Noted American writer, lecturer, political activist and feminist Gloria Steinem and bell hooks, Berea’s Distinguished Professor in Residence in Appalachian Studies, recently spoke at the bell hooks Institute at Berea College. During the event Steinem and hooks shared memories from their distinguished careers, passages from their books and reflections about feminism and other current issues. The occasion was part of a series of ongoing events to celebrate the opening of the bell hooks Institute.