Berea College Student and Professor Honored with State Awards in Health and Human Performance

A Berea College student and professor were honored with state awards in health and human performance during the 2022 Kentucky Society of Health and Physical Educators (KYSHAPE) Annual Awards.

Robert Immell and Dr. Michelle Thornton

Robert Immell was presented with College Physical Education Student of the Year, and Dr. Michelle Thornton was presented with College Professor of the Year.

Robert Immell was presented with College Physical Education Student of the Year, and Dr. Michelle Thornton was presented with College Professor of the Year.

Immell will graduate in 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Health and Human Performance P-12 Education. He has been an active member of the Berea College Track and Cross-Country teams since 2020.

Dr. Thornton is an associate professor of Health and Human Performance who has been a member of the Berea faculty since 2016.

“The entire Education Studies Department is extremely proud of Robert Immell and Professor Thornton,” said Dr. Nicholas D. Hartlep, chair of the Education Students Department at Berea College. “Dr. Thornton’s and Mr. Immell’s recognition brings much attention to Berea College and its certification programs.”

SHAPE President Dr. Gavin Washington presided over the 2022 KYSHAPE Annual Awards recently in Berea. KYSHAPE is the state professional association for health and physical education teachers, committed to ensuring students become healthy adults, and in return, make for a better world as healthy adults. KYSHAPE gives students the tools they need to shape, construct and adapt to the world around them with conviction and pride. Students know how to stay well when schools prioritize health and can use that knowledge to thrive for life.

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Berea College Student Nationally Honored as Major of the Year in Health & Human Performance

Jaden Johnson

Jaden Johnson named Major of the Year in Health & Human Performance by Shape America

By Joey Martelli, Shape America

SHAPE America–Society of Health and Physical Educators honored Jaden Johnson of Berea College as a Major of the Year during the organization’s 136th National Convention and Expo, held April 26-30th in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The award celebrates outstanding undergraduate students in the health, physical education, recreation, and dance professions who are nominated by a faculty advisor or professor. Johnson was recognized on Tuesday, April 26th during the Opening General Session.

“The outstanding achievements of future professionals like Jaden is integral to the future of SHAPE America and our profession.” said SHAPE America President Terri Drain, the Founder and Coordinator of the Health and Physical Education Collaborative.

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Berea Names Gym After Dr. Joy Hager

Dedication of the Dr. Joy Hager Gymnasium, recognizing 49 years of service.The Dr. Joy Hager Gymnasium will be dedicated at a naming ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 1, to memorialize her commitment and leadership during her 49 years of service to Berea College. The ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the Upper Gym at the Seabury Center on Berea’s campus. Continue reading Berea Names Gym After Dr. Joy Hager