Use of Berea College Vehicles

Berea College owned, leased or rented vehicles shall be used only for college business or academic activities that are in accordance with the policies as set forth by Berea College.  Berea College business is defined within the transportation policy as an approved activity that promotes the mission of Berea College though the areas of academic/non-academic activities, labor and employment service, and Student Life activities including approved club and organizations.  Personal use of any Berea College owned, leases or rented vehicle is prohibited.

Authorized divers (employees, including part time and student employees, and registered volunteers) are the only individuals authorized to operate a Berea College owned, leased or rented vehicle.  Students are authorized to operate a vehicle provided they have departmental approval and the driving is related to Berea College business or academic activities.  A valid driver’s license is required for all drivers.  The driver is responsible for protection and the safe operation of the vehicle.  The operator should observe all traffic laws and rules of safe driving, and the operator is responsible for traffic violations and fines including parking violations.

Driver Responsibilities

  • Present a valid state driver’s license.
  • Submit a completed “Authorization Form” for approval for use of a Berea College owned or leases vehicle.
  • Completion of a driving records check.
  • Completion of Berea College’s Defensive Driving Program (if under the age of 26).
  • Completion of Van Driver’s Training (to operate a 12 passenger van).
  • Agree to operate the vehicle in a safe and responsible manner, obeying all Federal & State laws and Berea College policies.

Departmental Responsibilities

  • Ensure that only approved and properly trained drivers operate the vehicle.
  • Submit completed authorization forms to Motor Pool for all prospective drivers.
  • For departments with their own vehicles, remove from service any vehicles that have become unsafe and have them repaired immediately.
  • Maintain documentation regarding all maintenance and repairs on all department owned vehicles.

Use of Passenger Vans

When passenger vans are utilized for Berea College authorized travel, the following guidelines shall apply:

  • Drivers must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Drivers must have completed the Defensive Driving and Van Drivers Training classes.
  • Defensive and Van Drivers cards must be in your possession and shown upon request.
  • Single day total driving miles per driver must not exceed 250 miles or 5 consecutive hours.
  • A secondary drivers list must be submitted if the trip exceeds the mileage/hour limits per driver.