About the Department

Whether you are a current or a prospective student, here you will find all the information related to course offerings, faculty and program resources.

Are you a prospective student considering majoring in a foreign language at Berea? Read why you should study foreign languages and what kind of a career path you can follow with that degree.

Berea offers classes in French, German and Spanish as well as a number of Asian and Classical languages, with a special emphasis on the connections between language, literature, and culture.  Check out what majors, minors and courses you can take at Berea.

Or are looking to take classes to fulfill general studies language requirement? Check out of course offerings and meet your professors, who have lived, worked, studied or traveled extensively abroad.

Are you a foreign languages student looking for the information about the Language Lab hours, study abroad programs or post-graduation opportunities? You will find these resources on this page.