Parking Citations

Citation OffenseCharge

No current decal

$15 (2nd or more $25)

Unauthorized area


Over time limit


Improper parking


On sidewalk


Blocking fire lane


Parking on grass


Blocking road


Handicapped parking


Restricted space


Remove parking boot


Parking Violations

Fines and fees are payable at the Public Safety Office. Unpaid fines (student or staff) will be processed through Accounting with late fees added. If you believe the citation was incorrectly issued, it may be appealed at Public Safety within five business days. Appeals will be considered when a copy of the citation is attached to a written explanation of circumstances and mailed to the Citation Appeals Board at CPO 2184. The Citation Appeals Board is made up of faculty and/or staff members that are not part of Public Safety.  The decision of the Citation Appeals Board is final and cannot be appealed.  The name and mailing address of the person making the appeal must be included for processing. Appeals can also be made through email (send to along with your name, mailing address, ticket number, vehicle license number and your appeal statement.

In order to complete your appeal, please fill out the Citation Appeal Form.

Towing and Vehicle Immobilization

Vehicles which accumulate more than three citations (paid or unpaid) are subject to towing or immobilization. Prior notification to the owner is not required. Payments of citations and fines must be made to Public Safety before the vehicle will be released by the towing agency. Towing and storage fees are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.

Need More Help?

Any questions concerning parking policies should be directed to the Office of Public Safety. Parking information given by friends or staff from other departments is sometimes incorrect and may cost you money. Please take a few minutes to become familiar with the regulations. Accepting a decal from Berea College authorizes us to deduct any unpaid permit fees, parking citations and related fines from the owner/operator’s student account or employee paycheck.