Green Belt Projects

Image of Sheri Gordon with her value stream map

Human Resources Hiring

Sheri aimed to reduce the duration of the hiring process by 25% to alleviate the strain on the existing workforce. She was able to reduce position vacancy by 17 days, which resulted in $63,273 of time savings.

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Zero waste event image

Zero Waste Events

Joan aimed to increase zero waste events by 50% to encourage the Berea College community to create a sustainable way of life. They were able to increase zero waste events by over 200% with twice as many achieving zero waste status.

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Awarded Green Belts

Candis Arthur
James Atkinson

Channell Barbour
Aaron Beale

Sara Clements
Ashley Creekmore
Sara Cornett
Samantha Dodson-Skinner
Sheri Gordon
Johauna Gosney
Dr. Scott Heggen
Ryan Hess

Elle Keys
Chris Lakes
Tracy McDole
David McHargue
Paul McPherson
Heather Millet
Abby Morris
Brandon Noble
Jacob Patton
Joan Pauly

Erin Powers
Collis Robinson
Courtney Roddy

Curtis Sandberg
Theodore Scripps
Erick Shyaka

Derrick Singleton
Dr. Scott Steele
David Tipton
Michelle Wasson
Shane Williamson